Other seeds
We sell seeds of Russian origin: Vicia (Vicia villosa & Vicia sativa), Chickpea (Cicer arietinum), Amaranth (Amaranthus) and other.
Choose and order seeds, use it as green manure, forage or even as a honey plant. These types of seeds are ideal for preventing your soil from weeding and make your crops more cold resistant.
Spring vetch is used as green manure, forage and a honey plant. It drains and improves soil texture, increases humidity levels, protects it from water and wind erosion, protects it against frost penetration. Heavy seeding prevents land from weeding. It is not resistant to acidic, swampy and salt soil as well as dry one. It needs wet soil especially during blossom time. It is one of the most resistant green manure crops to cold. It can stand low t (-5-7C) mixed with oats.
Vetch seeds germinate at 2-3C. Sprouts can stand frosts under -3-4C. It’s better to plant it in autumn before frosts come to make it have enough time to root in soil. Thus it may be resistant to cold and snowy winters. Young plants grow rather slowly.
Winter vetch ripens irregularly. It is recommendable to harvest legume when they get brown in the low and middle parts of the plant. Otherwise when they ripen they crack and lots of seeds are lost.
Seeding is 100-150 kg/1 ha.